
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

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Periodontitis Treatment - Debridement  Procedure - Periodontist Needed

Plaque-induced Gingivitis is the most common form of Gingival disease.  Plaque and tartar build up in the gingival grooves also known as plaque traps and the plaque and tartar turns into bacteria.  The bacteria then produces chemicals called degrative enzymes and toxins such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or lipoteichoic acid (LTA) and that promotes an inflammatory response in the gum tissue.  When gums are inflamed they tend to become sore and bleed.

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Having a debridement procedure to prevent plaque-induced Gingivitis growing into a more
severe case of Gingivitis needs to be preformed.  If plaque-induced Gingivitis does not get
treated it can lead to the destruction of the gingival tissue and may progress to destruction
of the periodontal attachment apparatus.

I thought it would be a good idea to write about having a Periodontitis Treatment also known
as a debridement procedure.  I've had it done four times and today July 24, 2012 was my forth
time.  My Periodontists did the left top and bottom side of my gums and so glad the procedure
is finally finished.  Two weeks prior to today I had the right top and bottom side done and had
two teeth extracted.  The right side was more sore and still healing but my gums feels
SO MUCH BETTER than they did before.  I felt sharing my experience having debridement
procedures would help someone understand how having them

I took pictures to show what to expect after having a debridement procedure.  Of course the
pictures are not the prettiest but they should not be.  In my opinion having a debridement
procedure is minor surgery.  My Periodontist gave me four intervals of Novocain shots to make
sure I was completely numb, used ultrasonic instruments to fracture the tartar build up
beneath the gum line then stitched over each individual tooth then securely place a case
over the work to protect the stitches and wounds.

If you look closely at the close up pictures of my gums you can see dark spots around the
protective case.  The case breaks off naturally but I do have to go back to get the stitches
removed and to have the Periodontist take a look at the work he did to make sure the gums
are healing properly.

In the first picture you can really see the stitches above the casing covering the teeth.  I call
the protective covering casing.  The casing looks similar to silly-puddy.

In the next picture you can see the top stitches and notice the blood between the teeth.

OK, I understand the pictures don't show the finished product but the next picture shows the finished debridement procedure of the right side of my gums and teeth two weeks after the procedure was done.  I know after a few more weeks the teeth get tight and together but you do have to give it a few weeks of healing to notice it.

If you would like to learn how I use dental brushes to help keep plaque and tartar from building up in gingival groove plaque traps you can do so by

or you can watch my short Youtube video showing how I use dental brushes and explain the importance of using a dental brush that fits.